Computer Labs

Willis is a Student Computer Lab.

Student Computer Labs (SCL) General Information

The UNT Student Computer Labs (SCL) website provides general information about the UNT Student Computer Labs Network, including affiliations, locations, guidelines & procedures, hours of operation, and current lab occupancy counts.

Willis Library

Willis Library is a Student Computer Lab that offers Dell and Mac computer workstations, laptop checkouts, printing and scanning services.

Sycamore Library - Sycamore Hall

The Sycamore Community workstations have been configured to give students access to a wide range of applications allowing students to work on their academic pursuits while in the Library. To further improve students computing experience, a ‘Student Funded Printer’ has been added to the Sycamore library. The ‘Student Funded Printer’ allows students to utilize their Print Credit in the Sycamore.

Sycamore Laptops are also available for checkout to UNT students. Laptops can be used to print to the ‘Student Funded Printer” through web printing. To find out more information about web printing at UNT visit the Student Computer Labs’ Printing Information and Guidelines.