Community Workstations

Information about publicly available computer workstations in the libraries.

The UNT Libraries maintain community workstations in support of learning and research at University of North Texas. Please see the University of North Texas Computer User Policy for detailed information on using community (public) workstations on campus.

Workstations for Students/Faculty/Staff

  • All computers are accessible to students/faculty/staff. Some Community Workstations (see below) have limited functionality and are primarily intended for community/quick use.
  • The majority of computers in Willis library are only available to students/faculty/staff and are set up to support research needs. Please refer to the Software List.
  • Use your EUID and password to access these machines. Please go to UNT System AMS for more information on your EUID and password.
  • Computers have an auto-logout feature after 10 minutes of idle time.
  • Do not save anything on the local computer. It will be removed automatically on logout and is un-recoverable. We recommend using an external flash drive to save personal items.
  • A temporary D:/ SAVEHERE Drive on the DELL PCs and a SAVEHERE icon on the MACs is available to you upon login. Anything located here is subject to be removed as needed.

Community Workstations

Computers available to the public that do not require an EUID/password:

  • Discovery Park Library
  • Willis 1st Floor: in the southeast corner, by the microform station
  • Willis 3rd & 4th Floor: near the elevators
  • Sycamore Library: between the map cabinets and the printers
  • Frisco Landing Library

Additionally, the workstations in Willis Library, Room 130 can be made available to guests of UNT for various sponsored classes or events. This is only possible if proper arrangement are made at least 48 hours in advance. For more information or to reserve the room, please see Space Reservations.