Metadata Guidelines for UNT Scholarly Works

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Basic Information

Include any relevant information that is not already stated on the item itself. For example:

  • Your name
  • Title of the item
    • if the item does not have a title, you can just describe it briefly, e.g. “Poster for Example Symposium”
  • Date item was created/published (if known or relevant) -
    • if the item was published, the date/year of publication
    • if the item was not published, a date or general time when the item was created
    • if you do not have a date for the item write “unknown”
  • Source (if relevant) - for example:
    • a peer-reviewed journal
    • a non peer-reviewed journal
    • a website
    • a conference
    • a seminar/webinar
    • a book or anthology
    • a research project
    • a grant project
  • Licensing
    • preferred Creative Commons (CC) license

(For the full list of CC licenses and definitions, see their page “About Licenses”)

  • Access* - who will be able to see the items?
    • the public (open access)
    • only the UNT community
    • limited by embargo (only the metadata record will be accessible until the embargo date passes)

*Note: if you need help determining copyright, embargo dates, or other licensing and access information, please contact us.

Optional Information

If you want to give us additional details about your item(s), here is the information that would be useful to us. Since this is not required, you can choose to include some additional details and not others.

  • Contributor(s) - other people who may have been involved (partially or to a lesser degree) in writing or creating the item
  • Publisher (if relevant) - the name/location of the person or company that published the work
  • Language - the language(s) of the item, particularly if it is partially or entirely in a foreign language
  • Description - a summary, abstract, or additional details about the item that we can use to write a short description
  • Subjects/Keywords - any keywords or subject headings that you think would be useful to include in the record
  • Coverage - the place or date(s) that the item content discusses
  • Relation - is the item somehow related or connected to other item(s) you are submitting?
  • Identifier - does the item have a call number, ISBN, ISSN, or other important number that can be used to identify it?
  • Degree Information - was this item part of the requirements to get a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral degree? If so:
    • what is the degree name/level? (e.g. Master of Music)
    • what discipline?
    • which department?
    • was the degree earned at UNT or another university?
  • Note - any additional details or information that you want to tell us about the item(s)