Outreach, Tours, Orientation, and Instruction Policy

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.

Library Outreach: Programs, Events, And Exhibits

Goal Of Outreach

Library programs, events and exhibits are developed by library staff and librarians with colleagues in the Libraries, University units, or community partners to promote library services and collections in support of the mission of the Libraries.

Requests For Collaboration

Requests to partner with the library on outreach activities can be made by emailing AskUs@unt.edu. Requests should include the name of the individual or department proposing the collaboration, the goal of the outreach, the intended audience, the proposed date and location of the activity, and the ways the requestor would like the library to be involved.

Requests For Reconsideration

Requests for the library to reconsider a scheduled program, event, or exhibit can be made by filling out the Reconsideration of Program, Event, or Exhibit Form. A library representative will follow up with the individual who filled out the form within two business days.

Requests to Tour the Libraries

Library tours for groups external to the University are guided, general overviews of the services, facilities, and resources available through the University of North Texas Libraries.

External groups may request library tours through the UNT Libraries’ External Relations Office (940) 369-8740. The External Relations Office schedules tours with the appropriate library departments.

Suggested guidelines for scheduling external group tours:

  1. External groups must be accompanied by either a librarian or teacher and have one chaperone for every ten students.
  2. External groups must provide a minimum of two weeks prior notice.

Requests To Tour A Single Department

For tours of a single library department, please contact the head of that department directly.

Library Orientations

Library orientations are activities that provide a general overview for internal groups as to the services, facilities, and resources available through the University of North Texas Libraries.


Library orientations are available to:

  • UNT students.
  • UNT Faculty.
  • UNT Staff.


Groups may request library orientations through the UNT Libraries’ External Relations Office. The External Relations Office schedules the orientation with the appropriate library departments.

Library Instruction

Library instruction involves in-depth training in the effective use of the services, facilities, and resources available through the University of North Texas Libraries. The ultimate goal of library instruction is to promote and foster individual information literacy skills for effective lifelong learning.

Available To

Library instruction is available to students, faculty, and staff of the University of North Texas. Under special circumstances, library instruction for groups external to UNT may be available.


Instructional requests should be provided by groups at least two weeks in advance. The representative requesting instruction for a group is required to attend the library instruction session with the group. UNT Faculty may request library instruction through above linked instructional request form or through their Subject Librarian. Each library department is responsible for their own library instruction scheduling.


  • Approved: 07/08/24

License Information

This Policy: "Outreach, Tours, Orientation, and Instruction Policy" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.