Library Use

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


The Library Use Policy includes information about building use, identification, tobacco, animals, bicycles, food & drinks, noise, and room reservations.

The UNT Library strives to provide an environment that is:

  • Welcoming, comfortable, and safe
  • Accessible with a well-managed and diverse collection of library resources
  • Staffed with knowledgeable and helpful staff.

The policy is applicable to all individuals using the buildings and is enforceable by all Library employees.

Primary Clientele & Building Use

  • The Libraries’ primary clientele are students, faculty, and staff of the University of North Texas.
  • Courtesy privileges are uniformly extended to other patrons with some restrictions in order to provide appropriate service to those who have an official connection to UNT.
  • Additionally, the federal and state depository collections are available to the general public.
  • The safety of children left alone in our library buildings is a serious concern. Responsibility for their safety and behavior rests with the parent or caregiver, not with library personnel. The Library cannot accommodate minor children in unsupervised circumstances, and the adult accompanying the minor is responsible for the minor’s compliance with all Library Use policies.
  • The Administrative Office supervises the designation of the University Libraries’ buildings and spaces for public use, determining where patrons may study or access library resources.

Material Use & Identification

  • Library materials may be used by any individual in accordance with library-established guidelines for each area or building.
  • Only persons with appropriate identification are authorized to check out materials.
  • ID cards are non-transferable and may not be used by other individuals.
  • With cause, library staff members are authorized to request identification from patrons. Patrons unwilling to provide proper identification may be requested to leave the premises once the University Police have been notified.
  • Library staff on duty must report immediately to the University Police any situation they cannot handle.

Space Use

The UNT Library has adopted policies and procedures that govern all library spaces and operations. Library users are asked to observe and comply with these policies while utilizing one of our facilities.


  • Furniture and equipment are shared resources for the entire UNT community and are provided for the users who are in the facility to use.
  • Users should not deface or damage any Library equipment, furniture or building surfaces.


  • When using electrical outlets, items should be plugged into outlets available in the furniture; otherwise, the cords become hazardous to the walkways. Safety of other library users and proper maintenance of the equipment must be considered.

Personal Belongings

  • Do not leave personal items unattended. The library accepts no responsibility for personal belongings. If items are left unattended, Library staff may confiscate them and turn them in to Lost and Found located in the UNT Union.


  • Guide and service animals for individuals with disabilities are welcome in UNT library facilities. Other animals must remain outside.


Wheeled Vehicles

Wheeled vehicles used by persons with disabilities are permitted for use inside all Library facilities. However other wheeled vehicles should not be used inside the building.

  • Skateboards, scooters, roller-skates and rollerblades may be carried into Library facilities and properly stowed away with personal belongings.
  • Wheeled vehicles are not permitted to be locked to Library furniture, equipment, or railings.
  • Bicycles according to UNT Parking and Transportation rules, are not permitted to be inside building and must be parked in the appropriate bike racks on campus.
  • Library personnel reserve the right to ask owners of wheeled vehicles to properly stow or park their items so they do not impede ingress, egress, access to Library materials or resources, or the safety of Library users.

Food & Drinks

  • Food and drinks are allowed in all areas of Library buildings except for those excluded locations listed below under exceptions.
  • All drinks or beverages must be in a spill-proof container, i.e. cups with lids, bottles with twist off caps, sports bottles, or travel mugs.
  • Patrons must leave no trace of any food, drinks, or beverages they opt to bring into the Library. When considering bringing food into the Library, a public space, patrons are expected to comply with the following guidelines:
    • Plan ahead and prepare: Meals should be eaten before coming to the Library. Avoid bringing messy, greasy, pungent-smelling, or noisy snacks that may damage library material or facilities and that may be distracting to others.
    • Properly dispose of waste: Any leftover food or utensils brought into the library must be packed up or disposed of. Place recyclables in recycling bins and non-recyclable garbage into trash cans. Leftover liquid in a disposable container should be poured down a bathroom sink before the container is recycled or thrown away.
    • Clean up: Library resources, furnishings, and equipment should be left in the same or better condition than their initial state. Report accidental spills to library staff as soon as possible and clean up immediately. Paper towels are located in the restrooms. To report a spill, call (940) 565-3024, e-mail, or tell someone at a service desk.
    • Consider others: Respect fellow library users and the next generation of library users.
    • Damages: Users are responsible for any damage to library property & equipment caused by food or drink.


Absolutely no food or drinks are allowed in the following locations:

The Library staff reserve the right to ask anyone to stop eating if they have received complaints. Anyone refusing to put or throw away their food will be asked to leave the library.

Noise & Disruptions

The library is committed to providing areas that are conducive to academic studies, including experiential learning, group work and individual study. Library patrons should always be considerate of others. The areas of the library have a designated noise levels to help individuals find a space that fits their needs. The designations include: Quiet, Collaborative, Social

  • QUIET: These areas are expected to be silent for the most part. The quiet floor is intended to mean no cell phone calls, notification sounds, loud headphones, group gatherings, and are not conducive to conversations.
  • COLLABORATIVE: These areas are designated for groups to gather and work together with consideration for others. Expect to hear conversations, group activity, and limited cell phone usage.
  • SOCIAL: These areas are designated for casual use and lively group work. Expect busy spaces, conversations, and noise from electronic devices. Behaviors that create a disturbance to others including loud disruptive noise levels are unacceptable. Library staff reserve the right to ask individuals and groups to lower their noise level to ensure the comfort of others working around them.

Room Reservations

  • Instruction and meeting rooms located within the Libraries are reserved for Library instruction. Library staff may reserve a room through our library calendar system.
  • Students may reserve study rooms using the online reservation tool.
  • Room reservation requests for non-library UNT groups should go through subject librarians.
    • if you are unable to locate the designated contact please use and we will help direct you to the best liaison for your group
  • For groups outside of UNT, request should go through the Library Facilities and Systems office at

Behavior Expectations

When using UNT Library facilities and/or resources you are responsible for complying with UNT policies as well as all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

Established behavior expectations for library users and employees allow us to provide a consistent positive experience for all library facility users. Specific standards and rules are in place to better serve the entire UNT community. Behavior becomes unacceptable when:

  • it interferes with the regular and routine operations of the library,
  • it interferes with the appropriate use of the library by others,
  • the behaviors present a safety hazard, or risk of injury
  • the behavior creates damage to library property.

In the event, behavior becomes unacceptable, the UNT Library has the right to refuse service, and/or implement steps to enforce appropriate consequences.

Right To Refuse Services

The library reserves the right to refuse services to any patron who acts irresponsibly by disrupting the use of the facilities or by being disrespectful to other patrons or to an employee. Any employee can exercise the right to refuse service when confronted by a patron acting irresponsibly. Irresponsible behavior includes but is not limited to the following:

  • Rudeness including loud and offensive language.
  • Unreasonable demands for service.
  • Being under the influence of controlled substances or alcohol.
  • Misuse or abuse of library resources.
  • Threatening or erratic behavior.

Policy Violations

As a UNT facility in the State of Texas, UNT Library operates in compliance with all governing federal, state, local laws, as well as UNT and UNT Library policies. According to the Dean of Students, it is the responsibility of users to be aware of applicable policies, procedures and laws when using a UNT facility. Library employees may inform users of specific policies or policy violations. However if a library user is found to be abusing policy or exhibiting disruptive behavior in our facilities, all Library staff are authorized to address the situation.

The library wants all users to be comfortable and feel safe when using our facilities. In that regard, the library will enact appropriate consequences for individuals who are not respectful of the nature of the space and the appropriate activities/acceptable behaviors for the ordinary library functions. In the case of a dispute between users, the library is not able to take a side and will make every attempt to treat all parties the same or call appropriate authorities to handle the situation.

When addressing a violation or disruptions, if the violation does not create imminent danger, Library staff will attempt the follow inform, warn, and evict.

  • INFORM: Step one is to inform the user of the unacceptable behavior or policy violation and the consequences for continuing to behave in this manner
  • WARN: Step two is to issue a warning, notifying the user that this is your last warning.
  • EVICT: Step three notify the party exhibiting the unacceptable behavior that they have been evicted and are expected to leave the premises immediately

The UNT Police are the libraries partners in providing a safe facility and will be part of situations that go beyond the library staff’s scope. Officer will often and regularly visit various library facilities as part of their routine campus patrol. The library will reach out to the police whenever necessary, including but not limited to:

  • When a person, or situation presents an imminent threat or danger
  • When the situation continues after having applied the inform, warn, evict procedures
  • When a library user is found to be participating in illegal behavior or activities

If a library user is found to have a pattern of abusive or disruptive behavior, the library will work with the Dean of Students and the UNT Police Department to determine the appropriate level of consequences which may include being banned from the facility up to legal action.


  • Approved: 06/25/12
  • Revised: 08/09/23, 07/08/24

License Information

This Policy: "Library Use" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.