Computer, Software, and Network Use Policy

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


The University of North Texas Libraries provides technology resources for students, faculty, staff, and official visitors to provide access to the library’s collection and in support of academic endeavors. This policy is intended to ensure that resources are used appropriately within all governing UNT policies as well as applicable state and federal laws. User who are not in compliance with these policies may be subject to penalties. Penalties can range from a verbal warning, loss of access, financial responsibility, to legal action depending on the severity of the infraction.

User Authentication

User authentication is required to access workstations, printing, and wifi network access. Current UNT students, Faculty, staff and authorized guests may use their university assigned EUID to access computers, software, and network resources. The library does provide guest access to a limited number of workstations, with no access to restricted resources or applications.

Personal Computing Devices

  • Library employees are not able to repair or work on patrons’ personal devices.
  • Patrons are not allowed to bring personal computing devices and plug them into the facilities wired network.
  • All personal devices i.e. cameras, USBs, etc., are used at your own risk.

Hardware / Software

Installation of personal hardware or software onto the library computers is not allowed. Only hardware and software installed by the technical support group for the library or available through software center on Dell and Self Service on MAC will be maintained. A list of supported software can be found on our Software List page. Applications have also been made available from UNT for students through MyLab as well as .

One Drive and Document Saving

As with any technology, the computers in the library can have occasional hardware and/or software failure. It is important to save your documents to your OneDrive. Workstation are a shared resource and rebooted, reimaged, and cleared regularly. It is important to email yourself a copy of your work or upload it to your OneDrive account prior to leaving the computer.

Virus Protection

In order to protect the Libraries operating environment, all workstations are equipped with virus scanning utilities and will automatically scan external media for any computer viruses that may be present.


This list is not inclusive of all UNT Student Computing policies.


  • Approved: 07/04/12
  • Revised: 01/12/17, 8/12/24

License Information

This Policy: "Computer, Software, and Network Use Policy" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.