Borrowing Equipment From the Soundbox

University Libraries, UNT Policy And Procedure Memorandum.


This policy describes patrons’ borrowing privileges, loan periods, and fine rates for Soundbox materials.


  1. Library Patron: An individual who is eligible to use the UNT Libraries.
  2. Community Member: A library patron who is not affiliated with UNT but is eligible for library privileges such as Courtesy and TexShare card holders.
  3. Loan Period: The time period that an item can be checked out to a library patron.
  4. Circulating equipment: Equipment from the Soundbox collection that is available through the catalog and available to leave the library.
  5. Loan Period: The time period that an item can be checked out to a library patron.

General Guidelines

  • To check out equipment, please ask an assistant at The Soundbox or Music Library service desk for the item.
  • Circulating equipment may be placed on hold if it is checked out when a patron requests it.
  • Items must be returned to The Soundbox when open or to the Music Service Desk outside of Soundbox hours.
  • Laptop users must comply with UNT Student Computing policies and the Library’s Computer, Software, and Network Use Policy.
  • Laptops have a different circulation policy that can be found on the “Borrowing Laptops and Equipment” page.

Circulating Equipment

Current UNT Denton Students, Faculty, and Staff

Loan period 7 days
Renewals allowed 1 time, in person
Holds allowed Yes; pickup at Music Library; not eligible for faculty delivery. Items will remain on the holdshelf for 3 days.
Fines rate $10 per item; Lost items may incur a replacement charge to the patron.
Repair/Replacement Cost Damages incurred while in use may be charged to the patron

Community Members

  • Use in Soundbox only


  • Approved: 08/30/24

License Information

This Policy: "Borrowing Equipment From the Soundbox" by UNT Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.