University Archive Asking for Submissions to COVID-19 Response Collection

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Posted: 05/20/2020

Our University Archivist is working to document how the UNT community is responding to the pandemic – and you can help!

Students, faculty, staff, and other community members are all experiencing this unique moment in history in different ways, and you might be keeping a record of your experience through digital photos, social media posts, blogs, journals, or artwork. Any documentation you’ve created of your experience in the last couple of months and as this pandemic goes on would be a valuable contribution to the University Archive.

In the archive, your story can be revisited when we look back on the cultural impact of the pandemic, and digital materials can be viewed right now by anyone with Internet access (we already have a few submissions from students available in the University Memory collection). And if your experience is scrolling through local news sources, we want your input on what websites and online sources to crawl for our web archive capturing the UNT community’s response, too.

These are the basic ways you can help us document this moment:

  1. Use this nomination tool to recommend online resources to include in the web archive
  2. Submit digital materials documenting your own experience using the Keeper Web App any time
  3. Hold on to any physical materials (like a journal or artwork) that you’ve used to document your experience, and please consider donating to the University Archive when we return to campus

You can learn more and find detailed guidelines for contributions here. Please contact University Archivist, Rachael Zipperer, at with any questions or potential donations.