New Acquisition of the Teel Sale Collection

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Posted: 02/10/2020

UNT Special Collections is pleased to announce the acquisition of the Teel Sale Collection. The collection includes drawings, prints, collages and artist’s books as well as sketches and research materials used in preparation of her work.

Sale is an artist, writer, and teacher, and has had a career of national and international shows (drawing, painting, printmaking, and performance art). She has served as art editor of Trilobite Press, book designer for university presses, book reviewer for Texas Books in Review, and visiting artist/lecturer at colleges and universities nationwide. Sale was a faculty member (drawing, painting, and honors) at the University of North Texas from 1975 through 1989.

Sale’s Newfoundland Series, a collection of 18 laser print collages, was purchased by the UNT Union in 2001 and can be seen on the second floor of the Union near the Golden Eagle Suite. UNT Special Collections holds eight original artist books donated between 1986-2007.

The newly acquired Teel Sale Collection includes over 200 works of art on paper, including large linocut prints, embossed prints, drawings and collages dating from 1972-2020.

Sale’s most recent work, Eel Road, is a collection of poetry published by Trilobite Press. In 2019 a multidimensional art installation inspired by Eel Road was exhibited by Bihl Haus Arts in San Antonio. This installation prints and papier-mache sculpture at Gloria Sanchez-Hart and Nancy Oakly Klapp. The filmmaker William E. Mackie documented the installation in a short film titled, “Eels.”

The acquisition of the Sale Collection is a part of UNT Special Collections continued collection development initiative to collect the work of UNT faculty and creative work of artists in the North Texas region. Archival Processing Coordinator, Sam Ivie, accompanied Head of Special Collections, Morgan Gieringer, on the trip to acquire the Sale collection. Ivie will lead the processing team who will work to catalog and describe this large collection over the next year. Once processed, the Teel Sale Collection will be available for access by appointment in the UNT Special Collections reading room.

Sale currently lives in Ennis, Texas where she continues to produce art and poetry.