Help Yourself

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Posted: 09/11/2017

We are excited to announce the debut of the University Libraries’ Help Yourself campaign. This initiative strives to connect UNT students with library resources on topics that may be difficult and stressful for individuals to learn about or discuss openly due to contextual factors in their lives.

To empower students in their journey toward seeking knowledge and wellness, we compiled call numbers and campus resource information on three topics: Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, and Mental Health and Wellness. We will release these materials in a phased launch this Fall semester, beginning with Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence in September.

These resources will empower students to locate and check out these resources from the library in addition to seeking help from student-serving offices on campus. We will distribute these materials to any student-serving office on campus where students may benefit the most from finding this information.

Student-serving campus organizations may request copies of the flyers (8.5 x 11”) or cards (3.5 x 8.5”) for your office by emailing We appreciate your help in spreading awareness of our resources to the broader UNT community.

If you have questions about the Help Yourself Campaign or ideas for additional topics, please do not hesitate to contact us.