All Are Welcome In The Library

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Posted: 02/07/2017

A message from the Public Services Division of the UNT Libraries to the UNT Community

In support of our mission to provide leadership in innovation and learning, the Public Services Division of the University of North Texas Libraries affirms the principles described in the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights and Core Values of Librarianship. We are committed to welcoming the entire UNT community, in all its diversity, to enjoy the information and services provided by the Libraries.

Members of the UNT community, or their friends and families, may be facing difficulty in light of recent changes in the nation’s political climate. Students needing information regarding changes in their residency status are encouraged to contact the following organizations:

There are also a variety of resources available to UNT students.

  • Any student concerned for their safety should contact the UNT Police Department. (940) 565-3000. In the event of an emergency, do not hesitate to call 911.
  • The Care Team is available to assist in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of students and members of the UNT community.
  • Counseling and Testing Services provides comprehensive psychological services to students.
  • UNT International provides support for UNT’s international student and scholar community.
  • The Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity works to create an inclusive environment at UNT.
  • Student Legal Services offers a wide variety of legal guidance.
  • Faculty and staff have access to free short-term, confidential counseling services through the UNT Employee Assistance Program. 1-800-343-3822

You can also Ask Us and we will do our best to help you find the information and resources you need.

We are careful to ensure that our collections provide diverse points of view and perspectives, and information about different cultures. Visit our Monthly Books Display near the service desk, and visit the Forum Exhibit in Room 140 in Willis Library to see just a few of the diverse books in our collections. Find a book about your culture, or read a book about a culture you don’t know. Don’t see what you want? Please, Ask Us!

Finally, part of our mission is to provide our students and the community with access to credible information, and to help them develop the skills to evaluate the information they consume. UNT Librarians developed a Media Literacy Guide to help our students and the wider community navigate the challenging information landscape. Our Reference and Subject Librarians are also available to help, either at the service desk, or by appointment.

The UNT Libraries are here to serve the entire UNT community, and we want all of our students, faculty, and staff to know that you are welcome in the library.