Dean's Innovation Grant 2016: How do I know if it's useful if I can't even get it to open?

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Posted: 05/01/2016

The University of North Texas Libraries’ Dean’s Innovation Grant, formerly known as the Green Light To Greatness Award, provides funding to research and projects within the UNT Libraries that promote scholarship and contribute to the gathering of knowledge that helps improve our libraries, our university, and the community.

Dean’s Innovation Grant 2016 Awardees

Erin Miller, Emily Billings, Susan Smith

Project Title

“How do I know if it’s useful if I can’t even get it to open?” : Assessing Information Interaction to Improve Library Collections and Services

Project Description

As prevalent as e-books and online streaming video are in the world of technology and education, there has been little research concerning their usefulness in an academic setting. This project aims to fill in those gaps by looking deeper into this particular area of research. The researchers incorporated the underutilized method of usability testing to understand how people really respond to these specific types of technology.

Contributor Biographies

Erin Miller is the Head of the Media Library. She received her Master of Library Science from the University of Kentucky.

Emily Billings is the Electronic Resources Librarian for Collection Development.

Susan Smith, Ph.D. is the Head of Library and Research Support Services. She has a Ph.D. in Public and Urban Administration from the University of Texas at Arlington and a Master of Library Science from the University of Oklahoma.