UNT Scholarly Works Outstanding Contributor Award 2015 Winners

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Posted: 06/01/2015

About the Award

This award recognizes a researcher who has made significant contributions to the UNT Scholarly Works institutional repository over the last year (April 1st 2014 through March 31st 2015). Significance is determined by a variety of characteristics including: donating the entirety, or a major portion, of a researcher’s scholarly corpus; donating a large number of individual titles; or donating research materials that demonstrate a significant scientific advance or societal impact. Employees of the UNT Libraries are ineligible for this award.

2015 Winners

Dr. Nicoladie D. Tam

Dr. Nicoladie Tam is a Professor of Biological Sciences in the UNT Biological Sciences Department. Her research interests include computational and experimental neuroscience in emotional and cognitive processing, EEG, near-infrared optical imaging, motor control, robotics, neuro-prosthetics, brain-computer-interface, decoding of brain signals, and brain simulation. Dr. Tam’s research article, “Computational optimization problems in social interaction and empathetic social emotion,” was one of the most used items in the UNT Scholarly Works institutional repository this past year.

Dr. Miguel Acevedo

Dr. Miguel Acevedo is Regents Professor in the Electrical Engineering Department and Geography Department. His research interests include sensors, real-time environmental monitoring, ecological and environmental modeling, biocomplexity, agent-based coupled human-natural models, watershed-reservoir management and hydroelectric energy, urban systems, and complex models of land use change. Dr. Acevedo’s research article, “Relaciones alométricas y patrones de crecimiento para especies de árboles de la reserva forestal Imataca, Venezuela,” was one of the most used items in the UNT Scholarly Works institutional repository this past year.