Do you have a piece of UNT history? We need your help!

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Posted: 11/04/2015

Do you have a special or unique piece of UNT, NTSC or NTSU memorabilia from the 1940s – 2000s? Help us celebrate the 125th Anniversary of UNT by donating or loaning your UNT posters, photographs, apparel and related items for an upcoming exhibit at Willis Library, “Growing Up Green: UNT from WWII to Today.” The exhibit will be on display January 19th, 2016 - May 6th, 2016.

Here is what we are looking for:

  • Rare or one-of-a-kind university memorabilia
  • Posters, flyers and handbills from university events
  • Buttons, t-shirts and athletic uniforms
  • Unique photographs of students, faculty and staff on campus or participating in university events like homecoming
  • Photographs of famous UNT alumni while they were students: Mean Joe Green, Pat Boone, Larry McMurtry, etc.
  • WWII or Vietnam recruiting posters, and photographs of students serving in the armed forces
  • Underground or counter-culture student publications, anti-war or conscientious objector literature
  • Other items you saved from your student days: postcards, ticket stubs, letters or mementos

We are not seeking yearbooks, commencement programs or letter jackets at this time.

Items selected for the exhibit will be part of the spring 2016 exhibit “Growing Up Green: UNT from WWII to Today” in the Special Collections reading room January 19th-May 6th and digitized for an online display. The names of contributors will be listed alongside their donations/loans in the exhibit and contributors will also be recognized during the exhibit opening reception.

Our deadline for submissions has been extended! To submit an item for consideration, please email a description and/or digital photograph to the University Archivist by December 18th.

For more information or to submit an item for consideration, please contact Morgan Gieringer, University Archivist and Head of Special Collections: