Portal to Texas History Named First Service Hub in the Southwest

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Posted: 06/20/2014

The Portal to Texas History, administered by UNT Libraries to provide access to more than 385,000 digitized books, photographs, maps, newspapers, letters and other historic materials, has been named a Service Hub by the Digital Public Library of America.

The DPLA Service Hubs are state or regional digital libraries that aggregate information about digital objects from libraries, archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions within their given state or region. Each Service Hub offers its state or regional partners a full menu of standardized digital services, including digitization, metadata, data aggregation and storage services, as well as locally hosted community outreach programs, bringing users in contact with digital content of local relevance.

The UNT Libraries received an award of $99,767 from DPLA to support the portal, with the award expiring March 31, 2015.

To learn more, please see the full article in UNT’s InHouse: Portal to Texas History named first service hub in the southwest.