Doug Campbell - Embedded Librarian

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Posted: 01/08/2014

Librarian Doug Campbell has been recognized all over campus and even on the Denton Square. What’s the cause of all the recognition? A caricature of his face, featuring a distinctive beard and glasses, along with the slogan “Doug Your Librarian on Location,” has appeared on posters created by Residence Life.

“It’s working like crazy,” he said. “They ask if I’m the Doug on the poster. It’s like my 15 minutes of fame. I’m loving it.”

The posters advertise Campbell’s and UNT Libraries’ reference services. Campbell spends a designated amount of time each week in three residence halls as part of an initiative called Homework Help.

Campbell is part of a trend of “embedded librarians,” in which, as technology changes, librarians are becoming more mobile and coming to their audiences. At UNT, 25 serve as library liaisons in the disciplines in which they specialize.

The project fits under bold goal No. 1— providing the best undergraduate experience in Texas — and No. 3— becoming a national leader in student support.

To learn more, please see the full article in UNT’s InHouse: Better than a search engine.